FEAR TO ACT: Why do artists postpone action?

The daunting empty page and the luring phone. Procrastination ; simply put, the act of avoiding and postponing a task that needs to be done. Delaying to submit that application, write that report/essay, learn that instrument; postponing a practice routine, exercise, diet plan, visit a relative, finish that painting, put on that exhibition or concert, write that book, face that challenge, confront a fear etc... Usually these are put on a bench and in their place we insert whatsapp, facebook, video games, movies, TV, the bar, beach, candycrash... Basically more important life saving deeds, the crucial fun stuff. Artists haven't got a monopoly on this postpone-for-no-reason-whatsoever foolishness, it can affect anyone. But artists have truly perfected the art of delaying stuff. This is a disease for many creative people and I am not immune. It sure is something that I battle with from time to time. I was thinking a lot about why on occasion, it takes me so long to do cert...