The calm of the Nile. Viewed from cabin 6 Wildwaters lodge. I am privileged to say that I wrote this on the banks of the Nile. Just writing that sentence excites my creative spirit with a spark of regeneration; a sense of timelessness; a touch of something much bigger than I; a grandness I simply cannot possibly claim. The splendid awe of nature reminds us of our insignificance in the grand scheme of things. It reminds us of the divine creator’s hand. Sitting by the banks of a river that has run through centuries; a river that bathed ancient Kings and Queens; a river that has run through numerous kingdoms; a river that is woven in Biblical stories; a river that will continue to flow long after we are gone. It is indeed an inspiring wonder. One of God’s grand gestures on this earth is the Nile. This write up is a little bit artsy so the language is a bit flowery than usual but bear with it, there is a point in here somewhere. The riot of the Nile As creative artists we ...