Kaz Kasozi I haven’t posted a blog for quite some time but I have been writing. Back in August I started a series of live music shows called the Kaz Kasozi Soir è e and while preparing it I looked back at some shows I have done in the past; triumphs and failings. Just before we started the series I almost cancelled it due to a loss in the family in the days leading up to the opening show. But then I remembered another chaotic time when I had to simply grit my teeth and crack on. One thing I have learnt over the years on stage is that whatever the performer’s inner woes and crazy backstage shenanigans, the audience just wants a good show. Your inner strife as an artist is yours to bear not the audience’s. The dirty linen backstage, injuries, fights, the making up, the heartbreaks, the sweat, debts, technical challenges and general mayhem etc are all yours. The audience have left their home, come and paid for a good show and they want it delivered with no excuses. I have...